
Saturday, September 27, 2008


I mentioned that I would write a post about hospitality and here it is. Alexander Strauch wrote an excellant book on hospitality entitled, The Hospitality Commands. I highly recommend it! In it he speaks about how that hospitality is missing from our culture and how that the church is a family and as a family we are showing love for one another when we practice hospitality. In addition by practicing hospitality we can use these times to further the message of the gospel and to encourage pastors in their ministry. He explains six commands given in scripture to practice hospitality and he also gives some helpful hints in practicing hospitality.

Many of you may be saying, "I am too busy to practice hospitality". I say to that just give it a try and see how the Lord blesses you. Pray for more time. Keep it simple. If you plan on having someone over you don't have to serve an elegant meal. The most simple meals are usually the best anyway. Then this allows you the time to relax and enjoy one anothers company. As you continue to have people over you slowly get to know one another and then you know how to pray for them.

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