
Thursday, April 8, 2010

What's A Woman To Do?

I know that this sound silly.  Being a wife and mom are the most important job in the world and many days I wake up and ask myself, "what am I suppose to be doing?"  Does anyone else struggle with this?  Just yesterday I installed a clothes line and I feel productive.  Earlier in the week I completed a crocheted wash cloth and I feel industrious.  When I make bread and yogurt I feel delighted.  Growing up, I did not learn many homemaking skills, so this is all still new to me.  However, I am loving every minute.  This is all a big learning process and very often I feel as if I do not know what it is that I am suppose to be doing.  Do any of you have these same struggles?  Who taught you to be a homemaker?  What books have most influenced you in homemaking skills?


Mindy said...

My mom taught me a lot. We grew up very poor, but very industrious. Anything I needed to learn, I turned to girlfriends. I would even call right in the middle of my canning to one friend, who would literally walk me through it. I am not a book person. You are so amazing, I can't believe you didn't grow up doing all this stuff. You are a great Momma and wife!

The Brass and Woodwind Shop said...

I have days like that too! Making lists, checking things off helps me to see that I'm not just wasting each day. Occassionly, I'll keep a minute by minute log of everything I do. It not only helps me to feel more accomplished, but also helps me to see where I'm wasting time that could be better spent.

Celee said...

I need help in this, too. I think it depends on our husbands' needs since we're supposed to be their helpmates. For instance, my husband doesn't like math and doesn't want to be bothered with anything financial. This is a big part of my job at home. It was really hard to take care of everything when I worked, but it's easier now. He liked trying our homemade granola, but these things are not as important to him as things that he sees as "helping him" if that makes sense. My mom is a great homemaker, we jokingly refer to her as Martha Steward on crack. She doesn't sew, though, and I would love to learn that! My understanding, though, is that sewing doesn't really save you money, it's just a fun hobby. Anyway, I love learning from other bloggers, too, like you:)

Sheri said...

HI nice to meet you fellow hser. I am stopping by on my way thru the UBP. I have several homeschool related blogs, please stop by and say hello! Blessings-Sheri

Pink Slippers said...

I loved reading one ever took the time to teach me home making skills. I just have a God given desire to be a mommy to all these great kiddos. Does it make it easier on those tough days----no---but it does keep me loving it. I never thought I would love the life I am living....but I REALLY do.