
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Treasuring God's Word In Spite of Interruptions

Are you ever over ambitious and decide to try something that is usually out of your league? Well, this year I saw a challenge to read the entire Bible in 90 days and decided to jump on the wagon.  To begin with I started it one week late.  Then I have never been able to completely follow a one year plan.  Last of all, my time is very limited with 5 young children.  For the first few days I was doing well keeping up.  I was excited and telling others all about it.  Then reality hit somewhere between Exodus and Leviticus.  This was a real challenge and I could not keep up with the pace.  I specifically set aside one hour before of reading time before the children awoke in the morning.  Slowly, that time would be interrupted some days or I would not have disciplined myself to get to bed early enough the night before to get up early enough.  At first, I found myself frustrated and wondering why I even took on such an enormous challenge.  Then, I just decided that it was not worth getting all worked up over and I would just work with the time the Lord had given me for that particular day and be thankful for the time I got to spend alone in God's Word.  I try to read at night, but find myself too tired to focus so I just try to read for anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour each morning.  So far, I have gotten farther along in my Bible reading than I ever have in the past and am learning the "big picture" of it all.  I have gotten through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and half of Numbers, as well as Ezra and Nehemiah.  Throughout all of this I have learned that what matters is spending time daily in the Word of God.  It really does not matter if you follow a plan or read for a specified amount of time.  Don't become legalistic in your Bib;e reading.  Treasure God's Word, enjoy it, meditate upon it, and hide it in your heart.  When interruptions come make the most of them.

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