
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Van Stuck In the Ditch on an Icy Road in 4 Feet of Snow

When was the last time you had to miss worship service because your van was stuck in the ditch and you had to wait for a tow company to come by the house to pick up the keys? Well, that is exactly what is happening to us the Lord's day. Last night, my husband drove 2 and a half hours to pick up his mom from the airport and was driving home late on curvy road that were slick with black ice. He knew how bad they were so he was driving about 15 miles per hour. He came upon an s-curve and hit a patch of black ice and the van went off the road into a 4 foot snow drift. There was also no cell phone reception where he went off the road! However, the Lord was watching over him and in control of all things. A man who had been drinking some came along with his dog 30 minutes later and stopped and asked him if he needed a ride. He took it and came home safely. Then he decided to call a friend and take a chain, 4 wheel drive pick-up, and shoves out to try and pull our van out of the ditch. In the mean time the NY state police called to inform me about our vehicle. I was relieved that they called because I always wondered if anything ever happened (since we have no cell reception where we live) if I would get a call from the state police and sure enough I did. They waited for him and he showed up and tried to pull the van out and the 4 wheel drive almost ended up on the other side of the ditch. So, they decided to just call a tow truck. He called and they said they were closed for the night (it was only 9pm) and to call back the next morning (at 9am). This is the only tow service in the area. So, here I am waiting for them to pick up our keys and then our van thankful that no one else slid into our van on that icy, snowy s-curve last night. I am also thankful that my husband and mother-in-law made it here safely. Even though the kids and I will not be making it to worship service today, the Lord is in control of all things and I can still worship the Lord here with the kids with a grateful heart for his provision.
Tomorrow, I will be away from the computer as it is my city shopping day and my weekly hcg check day. My mother-in-law volunteered to watch all 5 of our children so that my husband and I could have a nice day together tomorrow. This is another thing for which I am thankful. As I am concluding this post I am thinking that I need to be writing a post for the many things for which I am thankful for in my life.

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