
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thankful Tuesday

Will you join me on Tuesdays in giving thanks to our God and posting this button along with 10 things for which you are thankful?  If we can list at least 10 things a week for the remaining year, that will be 410 things at which we can look back over our blogs and see the things for which we were thankful.  After you have posted them on your blog, could you please leave your name and blog in the comments.

I thank God for...

Sunshine and blue skies.

Bread baking.

Children playing outside.

Dirt, mud, and more glorious mud.

The woods to explore.

Snow to stomp barefoot in on an amazingly warm afternoon.

Taxes that have been filed.

Happy, healthy children.

A wonderful husband.

And time spent in the Word of God!

1 comment:

Girl Invisible said...

Thanks for this inspirational idea! I am going to link to you on my blog and make it my goal to join in giving thanks every Tuesday! Thanks, again!